Over the last few posts I've been grappling with the difficulties of trading futures with a retail sized account. I've tried a couple of things so far - a complex dynamic optimisation (here and here) where I try and optimise the portfolio every day in the knowledge that I can only take integer positions, and then a simpler static approach where I try to pick the best fixed set of instruments to trade given my account size - and then trade them.
In this post I return to a dynamic approach (choosing the best positions to hold each day from a very large set of instruments), but this time I'm going to use much simpler heuristic methods. I use the term heuristic to mean something you could explain to an eldery relative: let's call them Auntie Barbara.
I used to have an Auntie Barbara, but she died a long time ago. If there is an afterlife, and if they have internet there, and if she subscribes to this blog: Hi!
I've written this post to be fairly self contained (I can't really expect Auntie Barbara to read all the previous posts, she will be too busy playing tennis with Marilyn Monroe or something) and also a bit simpler than the previous three to follow.
The setup
Here's the setup again. I have a universe currently of 48 futures markets I'd like to trade (for now - in practice I'm adding new instruments every few days, and in an ideal world there are around 150 I'd like to trade if I could). If I backtest their performance it looks great (this is just with the set of trading rules in chapter 15 of my book, 3 EWMAC + carry; but I do allow the instrument weights to be optimised):
That's a Sharpe Ratio of 1.18, pretty good for two trading rules (ewmac and carry). Oh the power of diversification...
Not only does it make money, it also (on average) has good risk targeting. Here's the rolling annualised standard deviation (which come in at 22.2% on average, slightly under the target)
Auntie Barbara (AB): "Great! You always were a little smart alec. Can I get back to my jacuzzi now? I've got James Dean and Heath Ledger waiting for me."
* Auntie is communicating with me from the spirit world via telnet, hence the Courier typeface
Sorry Auntie, I cheated slightly there. That's the performance if I can take fractional futures positions, o equivalently what I could do with many millions of dollars.
This is what it looks like if I trade it with $100K (about £80K: this particular FX rate is roughly unchanged since my Auntie died)
I normally use $500K for these tests - but I'm trying to make the results starker.
![]() |
AB "Why does it start going wrong, weirdly, not long after I've died? Are you saying this is my fault?"
Not at all! No, to begin with there are only a few instruments in the data. Then as more are added, we struggle to take positions in every instrument due to rounding. We end up with many instruments that have no position at all; the positions we end up making (or losing money) from just happen to be those with relatively small contract sizes.
So the portfolio becomes more concentrated, and in expectation (and also in reality here), has worse performance. It also undershoots it's risk due to all that 'wasted' capacity of the instruments which can't take a position. There are many instruments here that we are just collecting data for, but can't hope to ever take a position in.
Now look at the rolling realised standard deviation again:
We're systematically undershooting, especially in more recent years when I have a lot more instruments in the dataset. The risk is also 'lumpier', reflecting the close to binary nature of the system.
AB "Hang on, I've just read your last couple of posts again. Or tried to. What happens if you do some kind of fancy dynamic optimisation on your positions each day?"
That doesn't work and is way too complicated.
AB "And what if you just select a group of markets and trade with those?"
Well if I use the 16 instruments I identified in my last post as suitable for a $100K account I get these results:
Fewer markets is handicapped by having later starting data, but if I account for that:
AB "When does that data start now?"
The 11th May 1974
AB "Ah - that's your birthday. Coincidence?"
Well actually the data starts on 22nd April 1974, but that's close enough.
That feels slightly like cheating since they're identified using some forward looking information, but if I selected any 16 instruments on a rolling basis using any vaguely sensible methodology I'd expect on average to get similar results.
Basically we make up some of the ground on the full 40+ instrument portfolio compared to the rounded situation, but we never quite manage it (although the green curve looks as good, it's actually got a lower SR and underperforms in more recent years as we get more and more instruments in the full portfolio). In expectation 16 instruments, no matter how carefully chosen, will underperform 50; never mind 150.
The simplest possible approach?
AB "Well it's obvious what you should do"
Is it?
AB "Do you remember when you were a boy, and you'd invite all your friends to your birthday parties?"
I'm 47 Auntie Barbara. I'm not 100% sure what I did last thursday.
AB "Well just bear with me then. Suppose you had 50 friends, and you could only invite 16 to your party. What would you do?"
I'd.... well I'd pick my favourite 16 friends (this is hypothetical! What kind of person has fifty 'friends'?).
AB "Now suppose you had a birthday party every single day. What would happen?"
AB "Hasn't the penny dropped yet? I thought you were a smart alec."
AB "Someone give the boy a medal"
class newPositionSizing(PositionSizing):
def get_subsystem_position(self, instrument_code: str) -> pd.Series:
all_positions = self.get_pd_df_of_subsystem_positions()
return all_positions[instrument_code]
def get_pd_df_of_subsystem_positions(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
all_forecasts =self.get_all_forecasts()
list_of_dates =all_forecasts.index
list_of_positions = []
previous_days_positions = portfolioWeights()
for passed_date in list_of_dates:
positions = self.get_subsystem_positions_for_day(passed_date, previous_days_positions)
previous_days_positions = copy(positions)
df_of_positions = pd.DataFrame(list_of_positions)
df_of_positions.index = list_of_dates
return df_of_positions
def get_subsystem_positions_for_day(self,
passed_date: datetime.datetime,
previous_days_positions: portfolioWeights = arg_not_supplied) -> portfolioWeights:
if previous_days_positions is arg_not_supplied:
previous_days_positions = portfolioWeights()
forecasts = self.get_forecasts_for_day(passed_date)
initial_positions_all_capital = self.get_initial_positions_for_day_using_all_capital(passed_date)
positions = calculate_positions_for_day(previous_days_positions = previous_days_positions,
forecasts = forecasts,
initial_positions_all_capital = initial_positions_all_capital)
list_of_instruments = self.parent.get_instrument_list()
positions = positions.with_zero_weights_for_missing_keys(list_of_instruments)
return positions
def get_initial_positions_for_day_using_all_capital(self,passed_date: datetime.datetime) -> portfolioWeights:
all_positions = self.get_all_initial_positions_using_all_capital()
all_positions_on_day = all_positions.loc[passed_date]
return portfolioWeights(all_positions_on_day.to_dict())
def get_forecasts_for_day(self, passed_date: datetime.datetime)->portfolioWeights:
all_forecasts = self.get_all_forecasts()
todays_forecasts = all_forecasts.loc[passed_date]
return portfolioWeights(todays_forecasts.to_dict())
def get_all_forecasts(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
instrument_list = self.parent.get_instrument_list()
forecasts = [self.get_combined_forecast(instrument_code)
for instrument_code in instrument_list]
forecasts_as_pd = pd.concat(forecasts, axis=1)
forecasts_as_pd.columns = instrument_list
forecasts_as_pd = forecasts_as_pd.ffill()
return forecasts_as_pd
def get_all_initial_positions_using_all_capital(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
instrument_list = self.parent.get_instrument_list()
positions = [self.get_initial_position_using_all_capital(instrument_code)
for instrument_code in instrument_list]
positions_as_pd = pd.concat(positions, axis=1)
positions_as_pd.columns = instrument_list
positions_as_pd = positions_as_pd.ffill()
return positions_as_pd
def get_initial_position_using_all_capital(self, instrument_code: str) -> pd.Series:
"Calculating subsystem position for %s" % instrument_code,
inital_position = self.get_volatility_scalar(instrument_code)
return inital_position
def calculate_positions_for_day(previous_days_positions: portfolioWeights,
forecasts: portfolioWeights,
initial_positions_all_capital: portfolioWeights):
## Get risk budget per market
risk_budget_per_market = proportionate_risk_budget(forecasts)
maximum_positions = int(1.0 / risk_budget_per_market)
idm = min(maximum_positions**.35, 2.5)
idm_with_risk = risk_budget_per_market * idm
initial_positions = signed_initial_position_given_risk_budget(initial_positions_all_capital,
forecasts = forecasts,
list_of_tradeable_instruments = tradeable_instruments(initial_positions=initial_positions,
current_instruments_with_positions = []
## Sort markets by abs strength of forecast
## Iteratively from strongest to weakest:
list_of_instruments_strongest_forecast_first = \
for instrument_to_add in list_of_instruments_strongest_forecast_first:
## If already have position, keep it on - wouldn't be in this list
if len(current_instruments_with_positions)<maximum_positions:
## If haven't got a position on, and risk budget remaining, add a position
## If no markets remain with current positions in could be removed group, halt
new_positions = fill_positions_from_initial(current_instruments_with_positions=current_instruments_with_positions,
return new_positions
def proportionate_risk_budget(forecasts: portfolioWeights):
market_count = market_count_in_forecasts(forecasts)
proportion = 1.0/market_count
use_proportion = max(proportion, 1.0/16)
return use_proportion
AB "No point inviting a kid to the party who can't come. That's a waste of an invitation."
def tradeable_instruments(initial_positions: portfolioWeights,
forecasts: portfolioWeights):
## Non tradeable instruments:
## We don't open up new positions in non tradeable instruments, but we may
## maintain positions in existing ones
valid_forecasts = instruments_with_valid_forecasts(forecasts)
possible_positions = instruments_with_possible_positions(initial_positions)
valid_instruments = list(set(possible_positions).intersection(set(valid_forecasts)))
return valid_instruments
def instruments_with_valid_forecasts(forecasts: portfolioWeights) -> list:
valid_keys = [instrument_code
for instrument_code, forecast_value in forecasts.items()
if _valid_forecast(forecast_value)]
return valid_keys
def _valid_forecast(forecast_value: float):
if np.isnan(forecast_value):
return False
if forecast_value==0.0:
return False
return True
def instruments_with_possible_positions(initial_positions: portfolioWeights) -> list:
valid_keys = [instrument_code
for instrument_code, position in initial_positions.items()
if _possible_position(position)]
return valid_keys
def _possible_position(position: float):
if np.isnan(position):
return False
if abs(position)<1.0:
return False
Horrible path dependence
AB "It seems unfair to kick someone out of the party, just because they've gone from being your 15th to 16th favourite friend. Maybe you should let kids stay until they are really not your friends anymore."
- If we have a position, and the absolute forecast is more than 5, then hang on to it.
- If we don't have a position, and the absolute forecast is more than 5 then try to open a new position. Starting with the instuments with the highest forecasts:
- If we already have the maximum number of positions open, then:
- For instruments that have open positions, starting with the lowest forecast close the position and replace it with the new instrument.
- Do not close a position if the absolute forecast is more than 5.
- Once all possible positions (absolute forecast<5) have been closed, do not open any new positions
- Absolute forecasts greater than 10:
- Existing position: won't be closed
- New position: probably will be opened
- Absolute forecasts between 5 and 10:
- Existing positions: won't be closed
- New positions: may be opened
- Forecasts less than 5:
- Existing positions: may be closed
def calculate_positions_for_day(previous_days_positions: portfolioWeights,
forecasts: portfolioWeights,
initial_positions_all_capital: portfolioWeights):
risk_budget_per_market = proportionate_risk_budget(forecasts)
maximum_positions = int(1.0 / risk_budget_per_market)
idm = min(maximum_positions**.35, 2.5)
idm_with_risk = risk_budget_per_market * idm
initial_positions = signed_initial_position_given_risk_budget(initial_positions_all_capital,
forecasts = forecasts,
list_of_tradeable_instruments = tradeable_instruments(initial_positions=initial_positions,
current_instruments_with_positions = from_portfolio_weights_to_instrument_list(previous_days_positions)
## forecast less than +5 or non tradable (could be removed)
list_of_removable_instruments = removable_instruments_with_positions_weakest_forecasts_last(current_instruments_with_positions,
## ordered by weakness of forecast
## Sort markets by abs strength of forecast
## Iteratively from strongest to weakest:
list_of_instruments_with_no_position_strongest_forecast_first = \
for instrument_to_add in list_of_instruments_with_no_position_strongest_forecast_first:
## If already have position, keep it on - wouldn't be in this list
if len(current_instruments_with_positions)<maximum_positions:
## If haven't got a position on, and risk budget remaining, add a position
elif len(list_of_removable_instruments)>0:
## If haven't got a position on, and no risk budget remaining,
## Remove position from market with current position and weakest forecast in 'could be removed' group
instrument_to_remove = list_of_removable_instruments.pop()
## If no markets remain with current positions in could be removed group, halt
new_positions = fill_positions_from_initial(current_instruments_with_positions=current_instruments_with_positions,
return new_positions
def from_portfolio_weights_to_instrument_list(positions: portfolioWeights):
instrument_list = [instrument_code for instrument_code, position in positions.items()
if _valid_position(position)]
return instrument_list
def _valid_position(position: float):
if np.isnan(position):
return False
if position==0.0:
return False
return True
def removable_instruments_with_positions_weakest_forecasts_last(current_instruments_with_positions: list,
forecasts: portfolioWeights):
instrument_with_weak_forecasts = instruments_with_weak_or_non_existent_forecasts(forecasts)
instruments_with_positions_and_weak_forecasts = list(set(current_instruments_with_positions).intersection(instrument_with_weak_forecasts))
instruments_with_positions_and_weak_forecasts_weakest_forecast_last = \
return instruments_with_positions_and_weak_forecasts_weakest_forecast_last
def instruments_with_weak_or_non_existent_forecasts(forecasts: portfolioWeights) -> list:
weak_forecasts = [instrument_code
for instrument_code, forecast_value in forecasts.items()
if _weak_forecast(forecast_value)]
return weak_forecasts
def _weak_forecast(forecast_value: float):
if np.isnan(forecast_value):
return True
if abs(forecast_value)<5.0:
return True
return False
def sort_list_of_instruments_by_forecast_strength(forecasts: portfolioWeights,
instrument_list) -> list:
tuples_to_sort = [(instrument_code,
for instrument_code in instrument_list]
sorted_tuples = sorted(tuples_to_sort, key=lambda tup: tup[1], reverse=True)
list_of_instruments = [x[0] for x in sorted_tuples]
return list_of_instruments
def _get_forecast_sort_key_given_value(forecast_value:float):
if np.isnan(forecast_value):
return 0.0
return abs(forecast_value)
def instruments_with_no_position_strongest_forecast_first(forecasts: portfolioWeights,
current_instruments_with_positions: list,
list_of_tradeable_instruments: list):
tradeable_instruments_setted = set(list_of_tradeable_instruments)
instruments_with_no_position = list(tradeable_instruments_setted)
list_of_instruments_with_strong_forecasts = instruments_with_strong_forecasts(forecasts)
list_of_instruments_with_strong_forecasts_and_no_position = \
sorted_instruments = sort_list_of_instruments_by_forecast_strength(forecasts=forecasts,
return sorted_instruments
def instruments_with_strong_forecasts(forecasts: portfolioWeights) -> list:
strong_forecasts = [instrument_code
for instrument_code, forecast_value in forecasts.items()
if _strong_forecast(forecast_value)]
return strong_forecasts
def _strong_forecast(forecast_value: float):
if np.isnan(forecast_value):
return False
if abs(forecast_value)<5.0:
return False
return True
- Absolute forecasts greater than 10:
- Existing position: won't be closed
- New position: probably will be opened
- Absolute forecasts between 5 and 10:
- Existing positions: won't be closed
- New positions: won't be opened
- Forecasts less than 5:
- Existing positions: may be closed
Some other things we could try
AB "You're welcome. And I hope for your sake that the Jacuzzi is still warm."