A bit of a theme in my posts a few years ago was my 'battle' with the 'classic' trend followers, which can perhaps be summarised as:
Me: Better Sharpe!
Them: Yeah, but Skew!!
My final post on the subject (when I realised it as a futile battle, as we were playing on different fields - me on the field of empirical evidence, them on .... a different field) was this one, in which the key takeaway was this:
The backtest evidence shows that you can achieve a higher maximum CAGR with vol targeting, because it has a large Sharpe Ratio advantage that is only partly offset by it's small skew disadvantage. For lower levels of relative leverage, at more sensible risk targets, vol targeting still has a substantially higher CAGR. The slightly worse skew of vol targeting does not become problematic enough to overcome the SR advantage, except at extremely high levels of risk; well beyond what any sensible person would run.
And another more recent post was on Bitcoin, and why your allocation to it would depend on your appetite for skew.
With those in mind I recently came to the insight that I could use my framework of 'maximising expected geometric mean / final wealth at different quantile points of the expectation distribution given you can use leverage or not'* to give an intuitive answer an intruiging question - probably one of the core questions in finance:
"What should the price of risk be?"
* or MEGMFWADQPOTED for short - looking actively for a better acronym - which I used in the Bitcoin post linked to above, but explain better in the first half of this post and also this one from a year ago
The whole academic risk factor literature assumes the price of risk often without much reasoning. We can work out the size of the exposure, and the risk of the factor, but that doesn't really justify it's price. After all, academics spent a long time justifying the equity risk premium.
I think it would be fun to think about the price of different kinds of risk. Given the background above, I thought only about skew (3rd moment) risk but I will also briefly discuss standard deviation (2nd moment) risk. Generally speaking the idea is to answer the question "What additional Sharpe Ratio should an investor require for each unit of additional risk in the form of X?" Whilst this has certainly been covered by academics at some length, I think the approach of wrapping up into expressing risk preference as optimising for different distributional points is novel and means pretty graphs.
I'm going to assume you're familiar with the idea of maximising geometric return / CAGR / log(final wealth) at some distributional point (50% median or more conservative points like 10, 25%), to find some optimal level of leverage. If not enjoy reading the prior work.
The "price" of standard deviation risk - with and without leverage
To an investor who can use leverage, for Gaussian normal returns, this is trivial. We want the higest Sharpe Ratio asset, irrespective of what it's standard deviation is. Therefore the 'price' of standard deviation is zero. We don't mind getting additional standard deviation risk as long as it doesn't affect our Sharpe Ratio - we don't need a higher SR to compensate. Indeed in practice, we might prefer higher standard deviations since it will require less potential leverage that could be problematic if we are wrong about our SR estimates or assumptions about return distributions.
In classical Markowitz finance to an investor who cannot use leverage, the price of standard deviation is negative. We will happily pay for higher risk in the form of a lower Sharpe Ratio. We want higher returns at all costs; that may come at the cost of higher standard deviation so we aren't fully compensated for the additional risk, but we don't care. This is the 'betting against beta' explanation from the classic Pedersen paper. Consider for example an investment with a mean of 5% and a standard deviation of 10% for a Sharpe Ratio of 0.5 (I set the risk free rate to zero without loss of generality) . If the standard deviation doubles to 20%, but the mean only rises to 6%, well we'd happily take that higher mean. We'd even take it if the mean only increased by 0.00001%. That means the 'price' of higher standard deviation is not only negative, but a very big negative number.
But we are not maximising arithmetic mean. Instead we're maximising geometric mean, which is penalised by higher standard deviation. That means there will be some point at which the higher standard deviation penalty for greater mean is just too high. For the median point on the quantile distribution, which is a full Kelly investor, that will be once the standard deviation has gone above the Kelly optimal level. Until that point the price of risk will be negative; above it will turn positive.
Consider again an arbitrary investment with a mean of 5% and a standard deviation of 10%; SR =0.5. If returns are Gaussian then the geometric mean will be 4.5%. The Kelly optimal risk is much higher 50%, which means it's likely the local price of risk is still negative. So for example, if the standard deviation goes up to 20%, with the mean rising to say 6.5%, for a new (lower) SR of 0.325; we'd still end up with the same geometric mean of 4.5%. In this simple case the price of 10% units of risk is a SR penalty of 0.175; we are willing to pay 0.0175 units of SR for each 1% unit of standard deviation.
If however the standard deviation goes up another 10%, then the maximum SR penalty for equal geometric mean we would accept is 0.025 units (getting us to a SR of 0.3 or returns of 6.5% a year on 30% standard deviation equating again to a geometric mean of 4.5%); and for any further increase in standard deviation we will have to be payed SR units. This is because the standard deviation is now 30% and so is the SR; we are at the Kelly optimal point. We wouldn't want to take on any additional standard deviation risk unless it is at a higher SR, which will then push the Kelly optimal point upwards.
So we'd need to get paid SR units to push the standard deviation up to say 40%. With 40% standard deviation we'd only be interested in taking the additional risk if we could get a SR of 0.3125 to maintain the geometric mean at 4.5%. Something weird happens here however, since 40% is higher than the new Kelly optimal we can actually get a higher geometric mean if we used less risk (basically by splitting our investment between cash and the new asset). To actually want to use that 40% of risk the SR would trivially have to be 40%. For someone who is remaining fully invested the price of standard deviation risk once you hit the Kelly optimal is going to be 1:1 (1% of standard deviation risk requiring 0.01 of SR benefit).
That is all for a Kelly optimal investor, but how would using my probabilistic methodology with a lower quantile point than the median change this? Well clearly, that would penalise higher standard deviations more, reducing the point at which standard deviation risk was negative.
Because the interaction of leverage and Kelly optimal is complex and will depend on exactly how close the initial asset is to the cutoff point, I'm not going to do more detailed analysis on this as it would be timeconsuming to write, and to read, and not add more intuition thatn the above. Suffice to say there is a reason why I usually assume we can get as much leverage as required!
The "price" of skew - with leverage
The "price" of skew: Kelly investor
The plots show 'indifference curves' at which the geometric mean is approximately equal. Each coloured line is for a different level of geometric mean. The plots are 'cross plots' that show statistical significance and the median of a cloud of points, as due to the brute force approach there is a cloud of points underneath.
Even then, there is still some non monotonic behaviour. But hopefully the broad message is clear; for this sort of person skew is not worth paying much for! At most we might be willing to give up 4 SR basis points to go from a skew of -3 to +3, which is a pretty massive range.The "price" of skew: very conservative investor
The "price" of lower tail risk: Kelly investor
The "price" of lower tail risk: 10% percentile investor
Once again, investors at a lower point on the quantile spectrum are less affected by changes in tail risk, requiring perhaps 3bp of SR in compensation.How does the optimal leverage / skew relationship change at different percentiles?